Help Tips If Your In An Accident

If you have an accident…Here are some helpful tips on what to do.


  1. Report the accident to the police immediately.
  2. Seek medical attention immediately. If you are hurt, do not turn down medical attention when asked by EMS or law enforcement.
  3. If you are able, obtain the name, address, phone number, insurance information and the description of the vehicle of all drivers involved in the accident.
  4. If you are able, obtain the name, phone number, address, and email address of all witnesses. Remember, the passerby who approaches you at the scene may be a potential witness.  (If you don’t have any paper, input the contact information in your cell phone). These witnesses may become vital to your injury case.
  5. Do not make any statements to your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company regarding the accident without consulting with an attorney.
  6. Contact us as soon as possible, so that we may file a claim for you and start to work for you and your family.  Don’t delay because the first 24 hours are important to our initial investigation of your case.

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